Body Procedure FAQs

Dr. Kirn and Dr. Al Bayati are Plastic Surgeons devoted to advanced techniques in Cosmetic Surgery of the Face, Breast, and Body.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the iTuck® operation and a standard tummy tuck?

The iTuck® operation is designed to achieve the same results as a standard tummy tuck while minimizing pain and recovery time. This outpatient procedure incorporates three key elements in addition to the standard tummy tuck technique:

  • Exparel®: A long-acting numbing medication is placed into the muscle layer to significantly reduce post-operative pain.
  • Progressive Tension Sutures: These sutures are used to secure the skin to the underlying muscle, eliminating the need for drains.
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Device: This device is used after surgery to decrease inflammation and pain, promoting faster recovery.

These enhancements help ensure a more comfortable and efficient recovery process while delivering excellent contouring results.

How long will I need to be off work after an iTuck®?

The amount of time you need off work after an iTuck® depends on the physical demands of your job. For most patients with office jobs or those that do not involve heavy lifting, 7-10 days off work is usually sufficient. It is important to avoid lifting anything heavy (over 20 lbs.) for 6 weeks after surgery to ensure proper healing.

When can I exercise after an iTuck®?

Assuming normal healing, you can usually resume exercise that does not involve heavy lifting (over 20 lbs) two weeks after surgery. It is important to follow your surgeon's specific recommendations for you to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

When can I drive after an iTuck®?

You can drive once you are off pain medication and not too sore to move quickly if necessary. It is crucial to ensure you can drive safely before getting behind the wheel. These criteria are usually met 5-7 days after surgery.

When can I lift my children after an iTuck®?

It depends on their weight: if they are less than 20 lbs., you will be able to pick them up 5-7 days after surgery. If they weigh more than 20 lbs., plan on not lifting them for 6 weeks after surgery.

Will I have drains with an iTuck®?

No - drains are not necessary with the iTuck® procedure.

What is the size of the scar with an iTuck®?

There will be a scar around the belly button and another horizontal scar located low on the abdomen, usually extending hip bone to hip bone. Every effort is made to locate the horizontal scar low enough so it is hidden by swimsuits and undergarments, but this can depend on how much extra skin you have.

What weight should I be for an iTuck®?

It is best to be at a stable weight which you can maintain after surgery for an iTuck® procedure. It is best not to gain or lose significant amounts of weight after the procedure. Patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 35 are not good candidates for the iTuck® procedure, and would be best served with weight loss preoperatively.

Will I lose weight with an iTuck®?

The iTuck® is not a weight loss operation even though skin and fat are removed during the procedure. Generally, this is not enough to yield a significant weight change. However, many patients do lose weight after the surgery due to changes in eating habits and exercise. The visible changes in body shape, removal of excess skin, and a firmer, tighter abdomen resulting from the iTuck® frequently motivate many patients to lose additional weight through diet and exercise after surgery.

Will my hip contour be improved with the iTuck®?

Liposuction of the hip and flank area is a standard component of the iTuck® and is included, at no extra charge, with the operation.

Should I have a mini tummy tuck or a standard one?

This choice is best determined during the consultation. The capabilities of the mini tummy tuck operation are less than the standard procedure or iTuck®, but in the right patient a shorter scar and quicker recovery can be achieved. Dr. Kirn and Dr. Al Bayati always use the least invasive operation which will achieve the surgical goals.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight will I lose if I have liposuction?

Liposuction changes your shape, not your weight.

How big are the liposuction incisions?

The incisions are 1/4 inch or less. Usually, one or two incisions are required per area of liposuction.

How long will my bruises last after liposuction?

Most bruising usually resolves within 2 weeks after surgery, but this can vary from patient to patient and area to area.

What happens if I gain weight after liposuction?

It is best to perform liposuction when you are at a stable weight you can maintain. If your weight remains stable after surgery, your result should last a long time. If you gain weight after surgery, you will gain it in your whole body, but it should not go disproportionately to the areas treated with liposuction.

Does liposuction help cellulite?

Liposuction is not a treatment for cellulite. Most of the time, the dimples in the skin, known as cellulite, are not changed by liposuction. Cellulite treatment with Avéli is available. More information can be found here.

Will liposuction help stretch marks?

Liposuction is not a treatment for stretch marks, they usually remain unchanged.

Will liposuction make loose skin worse?

The quality of the result from liposuction depends greatly on the quality of the skin in the treated area. Healthy, elastic skin usually responds very well to liposuction and contracts nicely over the new fat contour. Skin which is loose before surgery will usually still be loose after surgery, but sometimes may improve with liposuction. In short, more youthful, stretchy skin responds the best to liposuction.

How long do the results of liposuction last?

If you maintain your weight, the result of liposuction should change very little over time. Although, natural changes with aging to the skin and fat will still occur.

Will I change clothes size after liposuction?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no - it depends on the area being treated, how much fat is removed, and how well the skin retracts. Liposuction makes contour changes to the treated area(s), but it is not a weight loss method.

What type of liposuction does the practice use?

Dr. Kirn and Dr. Al Bayati prefer the Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) system. The PAL vibrates the liposuction cannula back and forth very quickly, allowing multiple smaller strokes with each full stroke of the cannula. Our practice has used PAL technology since the late 1990s with great success. Compared to standard liposuction, PAL minimizes trauma to the tissue, resulting in less bruising and swelling.

In contrast, ultrasonic and laser liposuction add heat energy to the process. This added heat is not necessary for fat removal and can lead to abnormal scarring and a greater risk of skin irregularities. Therefore, we believe PAL is the superior method for achieving optimal results with minimal complications.

Why not use an external laser or cold therapy to dissolve fat instead of liposuction?

Technologies involving ultrasound, laser, and cold therapy are available to dissolve fat. While each of these methods works differently, they generally result in only a small amount of fat removal and are limited to treating small areas. These methods also require significant treatment times and usually multiple sessions to achieve noticeable results.

Additionally, cold therapy for fat dissolution has been associated with a serious complication known as paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, where the treated fat enlarges rather than decreases in size. Given these limitations and potential risks, liposuction remains the most effective and reliable method for significant fat removal and body contouring.

Mommy Makeover

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Most commonly it is a combination of breast surgery (augmentation, lift, or augmentation-lift) with a tummy tuck. In our case, the breast surgery is combined with the iTuck® abdominoplasty procedure.

What are the disadvantages of combining Mommy Makeover surgeries together?

While combining Mommy Makeover surgeries into one operation means you'll only have one recovery period, it may be slightly longer or more challenging than recovering from a single procedure. Additionally, the risk of blood clots in your legs likely increases when multiple procedures are combined. Preventative measures are taken during surgery to minimize this risk, but it is crucial for the patient to walk and move around after surgery to further reduce the chance of developing blood clots.

Body Contouring

Frequently Asked Questions

Will insurance pay for body contouring after massive weight loss?

Our experience with getting insurance to cover body contouring procedures after massive weight loss has been disappointing. Insurance companies typically require a "functional benefit" to justify medical necessity. Most issues caused by excess skin, such as rashes, can be managed with medications and hygiene at a much lower cost than surgery. As a result, insurance carriers are unlikely to pay for these procedures, which are primarily considered to have cosmetic benefits.

How many body contouring operations after massive weight loss will be needed?

The number of body contouring operations needed depends on how many areas are affected and the amount of excess skin present. Most individuals who have lost 100 pounds or more will benefit from several operations to achieve the best shape. These procedures are usually performed one or two at a time, with several months of recovery between each session.

What are the most common body areas treated after massive weight loss?

The most common areas addressed after massive weight loss are the abdomen, breasts, arms, and thighs. Many patients also choose to improve the contour of their neck as part of their body contouring plan.

Can multiple body contouring operations be combined in a single trip to the operating room?

Yes, it is efficient to combine two or more procedures together, but this must be done judiciously always keeping safety in mind. Dr. Kirn and Dr. Al Bayati prefer to keep all body contouring operations in an outpatient setting.

Buttock Lift

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the fat last?

With all fat grafting procedures, a portion of the transferred fat lives in the new location and a portion is dissolved by the body. The portion which lives, or takes, in the new location has an indefinite longevity. That is, it behaves just like fat in other body areas. It responds to weight gain and weight loss over time.

How much of a buttock size increase can be obtained with the BBL?

Two factors determine the amount of size increase. First, the amount of available donor fat. If you are a slender person, there may not be much available donor fat and therefore only a modest size increase may be possible. Second, the amount of fat which can be transferred in a single procedure may be limited by the ability of the skin to stretch during the procedure. This will also vary from patient to patient.

Does the BBL have to be performed more than once?

For most patients, performing the procedure once is adequate. However, some patients may benefit from repeating the operation.

Arm Lift

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to do an arm lift (brachioplasty) without a visible scar?

Patients who have fat in the arm without a lot of extra skin usually do well with liposuction of the arm and do not need a true arm lift (brachioplasty) operation. Younger, healthier skin contracts better after liposuction, so the quality of the skin also plays a part in the quality of the result from liposuction. Patients who have extra skin or a combination of extra skin and fat will require a scar to achieve an improved contour.

Where is the scar from an arm lift located?

The scar is located along the crease on the inside of the arm and usually extends from the armpit down to the elbow. The goal is to have the scar hidden when your arm is at your side.
Dr. Kirn and Dr. Al Bayati photo

Meet Dr. David Kirn

Dr. David Kirn is an American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified Plastic Surgeon who is devoted to advanced techniques in Cosmetic Surgery of the Face, Breast, and Body. In private practice since 1998, he is located in a state-of-the-art facility which includes a full service skin care center. The practice is focused on personalized patient care and attention to detail. Where possible, Dr. Kirn utilizes minimally invasive procedures.

Meet Dr. Ahmed Al Bayati

Having completed his training in plastic surgery and serving as Chief Resident at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Al Bayati brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to his practice. His commitment to advancing patient care and achieving exceptional outcomes reflects his unwavering passion for plastic surgery.


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